2 Nr. 200 kN CPT Crawlers Built in Only 8 Weeks

February 2nd, 2015
How to build two State-of-the-Art 200 kN CPT crawlers in record time? The joint effort of the Gouda-Geo design and manufacturing team and our dedicated partners made it possible. Despite the Christmas or New Year's holiday the twin CPT crawlers were realised in only 8 weeks time.
The Quest-for-the-Best attitude of everyone involved ensured that the building quality was not compromised. We are extremely proud with the result.
The 2 CPT crawlers are being transported to our client in Turkey at this very moment. The rigs will be used for the geotechnical soil investigations required for the Istanbul New Airport Project, destined to become the biggest airport in the world. We are honoured to be part of such a remarkable man-made marvel.
Piezocone Dissipation test Water level meter CPT crawler CPT Electric cones Seismic CPT Magnetometer Gouda Jacket cone Soil sampler Dynamic penetrometer Cone Penetration Testing Piezometer CPTU Inclinometer
CPT truck Crawler-Truck Begemann cone Vane tester