A Very Challenging CPT Job

September 3rd, 2019
Dutch engineering company GSNed keeps on surprising. They do not only have state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, but they also have knowledge and skills in many areas. High end CPT’s? No problem. Water works? No problem. Earth moving? No problem. Demolition? No problem. Exceptional transport? No problem. Surveying works? No problem. Pile load tests? No problem.
Today we received some pictures of a very challenging CPT job GSNed has performed in Gand, Belgium. The tests had to be carried out underneath a bridge from a floating barge with little to no room to manoeuvre. GSned used a multi-purpose CPT platform manufactured by Gouda-Geo for this job. Another job well done, GSNed team!! Keep on amazing us.
Piezocone Dissipation test Water level meter CPT crawler CPT Electric cones Seismic CPT Magnetometer Gouda Jacket cone Soil sampler Dynamic penetrometer Cone Penetration Testing Piezometer CPTU Inclinometer
CPT truck Crawler-Truck Begemann cone Vane tester