Belgium: Standard Procedures for CPT Testing

October 18th, 2012

The Belgian Group for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (BGGG) has developed over the last 3 years a number of standard procedures for soil investigation focussing on Cone Penetration Testing.

The procedures are compiled in a very exhaustive document highly interesting to read. At this stage only a Dutch version is available, a French version will follow on shortly.

More information on this subject to be found on the BGGG-GMBS website.

Piezocone Dissipation test Water level meter CPT crawler CPT Electric cones Seismic CPT Magnetometer Gouda Jacket cone Soil sampler Dynamic penetrometer Cone Penetration Testing Piezometer CPTU Inclinometer
CPT truck Crawler-Truck Begemann cone Vane tester