CPT Crawler Refurbished

October 29th, 2018
Earlier this year Belgium foundation expert Votquenne contacted us with the request to refurbish and upgrade their 160 kN CPT crawler.
Extensive maintenance and repair were performed by our qualified technicians. The cylinders and hydraulics were overhauled, the crawler undercarriage repaired, the Deutz engine was serviced and all electronics repaired and function tested. The job was concluded with the spray-painting of the working cabin and the placing of the Votquenne decals.
The CPT rig was furthermore upgraded such, that it can do class 1, 2, 3 and 4 CPT(u) tests according to ISO 22476-1 and class 7 mechanical CPT tests according to ISO 22476-12. This upgrade makes the rig suitable to tackle many different projects and ready for the future.
Piezocone Dissipation test Water level meter CPT crawler CPT Electric cones Seismic CPT Magnetometer Gouda Jacket cone Soil sampler Dynamic penetrometer Cone Penetration Testing Piezometer CPTU Inclinometer
CPT truck Crawler-Truck Begemann cone Vane tester