Serious Incident with CPT Crawler

August 4th, 2011

Last week a serious incident took place with a Gouda-Geo 100 kN CPT crawler of one of our clients. Whilst crossing a small canal in the western part of Holland, one of the dragline boards failed. This caused the CPT crawler to tip over and fall in the canal.

Since the CPT crawler was piloted by means of a wireless remote control, the CPT operator was not on board and therefore not injured.

The CPT crawler was lifted out of the canal and brought to the Gouda-Geo workshop, where it was completely overhauled last week. The unit is completely operational again. Gouda quality; built to last!

Piezocone Dissipation test Water level meter CPT crawler CPT Electric cones Seismic CPT Magnetometer Gouda Jacket cone Soil sampler Dynamic penetrometer Cone Penetration Testing Piezometer CPTU Inclinometer
CPT truck Crawler-Truck Begemann cone Vane tester