Tracks for Ordinary 6x2 Trucks

July 17th, 2011

Gouda-Geo recently expanded its product range beyond the geotechnical branch. The company introduced a crawler undercarriage that can be mounted underneath an ordinary 6x2 truck, giving it unparalleled performance in the field and allowing for slow and precise manoeuvring. More information on

The crawler undercarriage comes complete with all hydraulics (including hydraulic pump and valves) and wireless remote control. It is supplied as a kit (complete with mounting instructions and alike) and can be mounted locally by an experienced chassis builder (like e.g. companies that install loader cranes on trucks).

Many companies active in either drainage by wellpoint, temporary accommodations, greenhouses have yet shown keen interest in the crawler substructure. A truck equipped with these tracks is a very economical and capable alternative for Unimog 4x4 and 6x6 trucks.
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CPT truck Crawler-Truck Begemann cone Vane tester